Dan O'Huiginn
parallel ssh
If at first you don't succeed: make a wordle and call it a day.
Just how insignificant are BP and ExxonMobil?
Dum-dum bullets and shoot to kill
frobbing markets
UK parliamentary constituencies, with party currently in power there
sorry, nobody believes you any more
The Libyan ambassador in Berlin has defected
How do you describe a face?
python mode function
Still putting out
ad-hoc webserver from the shell
Tatu and the IWW
Exporting surveillance
Saudi day of rage: some quick reading
Amn Dawla leaks
EU arms sales to Libya: fleshing out the figures
EU Military exports to Libya
Worldwide embarrassment through photoshop fail
Nested dictionaries in python
Internet underground
Clegg: it's all been said before
Orwell Prize
UK company records
Kyrgyzstan: 2005 reloaded
Michael Bracewell
Version Control for laws
...but I have no fear
One big cop-out
European referendums
Sarko the troll
Urban regeneration after a recession
How not to solve university unhappiness
Art squats and political novels
'Ashton can only be a positive surprise'
How to avoid a democratic Europe
Votes for prisoners
Neuilly, son pere
Some bits and pieces
Economics, bound
Greek elections
Trafigura: more questions about the Guardian gag
Trafigura: secrets and lies
Trafigura and libel ridiculousness
Spain news part 2: the blogs
News in Spain
Deja Vu
Do Anything
The Edukators
Oxford Muse
Silent Shout
Suzy is a niqabi
Chansons des filles de mai
All gods are home-made
Campfire stories for communists
Fear (1): Fassbinder
Busy week in Berlin
Things to listen to
Lectures at the LSE
We'll hitchhike our way...
38 Degrees
nuum wars
Thomas Bayrle
The need for squats
Irish dancing in Minsk
UK election leaflets, archived
Stéphane Blanquet
Histories of momentary places
UK Prison population
Police State UK
recognition and redistribution
Transparency isn't Bunk
Whataboutery and noblogathons
A favourite festival
Idioms of protest
In Brief
Religion in the slums
22 years' jail for breaking Iraq sanctions
Dai Qing
Book: Energy Flash
The land grab of 2008
From the magazines
Trotsky and leapfrogging
Can you repeat that?
Independent Iraqi politics, 2006
Book: China Pop
Dubai: Hari, plus Mike Davis
Georgia: rebels without a programme
A financial crisis reading list
Renting vs. buying, Sofia-style
German left
Can a recession help Russia?
Georgia protests: Friday
Hostages in France
More on characters
Georgia protests in detail
Following Georgia online
Some questions about the Georgian protests
Scavenger Hunt
Turning people against the police
Universities on strike
Character assassination
Market Socialism
Racism in the Mail
From the eXile to Rolling Stone
My brother lost an election, and all I got was this lousy TV show
Getting my Georgia fix
Roll on the FOI requests
Corrupt judges
One solution - resolution
water wars
everything a man could want
The end of the world as we print it
Gazprom guards
...but an old grandad compared to Jenny Everywhere
Squatted dreamscape
People ask us why we don't use fly spray. Well, where's the sport in that?
Sunday Times, c. 1995
Prayers to San Precario
OED, again
The Oxford English Dictionary, free
Resolver One
Opening up a tax haven
It'll all be clear in hindsight...
Germany in Central Asia
Exporting surveillance
South Ossetia
Islam, beauty, torture and market reform
Gated Communities
The main export is furious political thought
Victor Bout and the military-typographical complex
Russia's independent media
Public intellectuals in China
You thought nobody would read your PhD?
Appreciation of marketing
Sterling on Pakistan
No coherent comment, just rage
The problem with free speech is the people listening
LJ takeover
The Georgian compromise candidate
Burma, BBC, UNSC
What's wrong with popularity contests anyway?
Stealth nationalization
Iran in Afghanistan
Samantha Power on Iraq
Not a party man
International Compact for Iraq
The Trap
Putin the sex symbol
moderate hat-eating
Don't mention the intifada
Blind governors
Health in Iraq
Westminster's map
Countries mentioned in parliament
Hersh for the lazy
When Hu meets Musharraf
Okruashvili: Russian reaction
What is Okruashvili up to?
Slamming just says "let's not fight"
A babe in arms
Extreme pornography
A mandala is a memory palace
How Pakistan wins in Central Asia
History of printing
Who are the Bishkek protesters?
Blogging about blogging (sorry!)
Memes: toxic in China
Glassy Essence
The moral majority don't care
Georgia, still
Defending the Russian nation
IHT makes LJ look calm
Hungarian protests
Civil war? What Civil war?
LJ is civil society
I've joined Global Voices
Serbia and Georgia
Cambridge stops Sanskrit
Russia puts on its best face for the UN
More on Russian anti-Georgian events.
Child abuse, Skinner style
Paranoid conspiracy theories: not an American monopoly
More big numbers in Iraq
Web hosts get in on the Russia-Georgia fight
just because you've got a rose, doesn't make you a revolutionary
What Russians think about Georgia
Wine, water and the Rose Revolution: background to the Georgia-Russia dispute
slightly illegal
Anna Politkovskaia killed
anti-racist livejournal
Revolution-proof fence
Did the postmen give up?
Hungary: because I'm here, not because I know anything
Lara Logan, journalist with a brain
Skippable rant: consequences of talking tough
Tbilisi-Moscow, yet again
A well-regulated militia?
Al Qaeda: "prolonging the war is in our interest"
Conference reloaded
Congress, Iraq, sanity?
A place for concordances
Look for me in the whirlwind
strains of social discord
keep on missing, and you'll be fine
Gotham, Pakistan
don't need no education
Planes and pipedreams: India in Central Asia
Read all about it
Formica report
Yes, you should talk to terrrorists
Uzbekistan Roundup
Kyrgyzstan roundup
International organisations in the former Soviet Union
Kazakh roundup
Georgia roundup
Ramadi besieged
China in Africa
Extraordinary Rendition
China, oil, Tibet and Xinjiang
Things fall apart, including the drains
Unsorted links
Iraq's refugee crisis
Enduring bases, and Iraq after troop withdrawals
Iraq/Afghanistan roundup
Police in Iraq
Pontificating on the Russian Soul (almost)
Channel 4 does Iraq
Bridge-city of Zeugma
We like silly statistics
Talking the talk
Jawad al-Maliki
Gold farmers roundup
Coalition pressures Iraq to adopt detention without trial?
Technical woes
Meeting the Yezidis
Iraq's death toll in historical perspective
Displacement in Iraq
Blogs with content
Central Asia Conference
Czech Republic
South Korea
A plan
Hair of the buddha
Civil wars and human rights: somebody else's problem
Statues defaced in Turkmenistan
Movable Type
The Washington Post has had
It’s a hard life being a journalist
airships over moscow
Online RPGs affect players’ perceptions
Looking East
third-country nationals in Iraq
riot patterns
Meanwhile, back home…
Rejecting the occupiers
His ribcage was found in Washington…
Too much choice
Worldchanging recently pointed out that
David Byrne
squatter city
I’m puzzled by the memo
Money in Iraq
Galloway summary
Robert Trivers
Translating the internet
Translating the internet
Dream of the Rood
Circus to Afghanistan
Sir William Jones: getting lucky
Jonathan Raban
Bruno does childcare
Some etymologies
Scholarly jabs
Linguists and journalists
Uncertainty, confusion and deniability
From notes to books
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Recent Posts
parallel ssh
If at first you don't succeed: make a wordle and call it a day.
Just how insignificant are BP and ExxonMobil?
Dum-dum bullets and shoot to kill
frobbing markets
UK parliamentary constituencies, with party currently in power there
sorry, nobody believes you any more
The Libyan ambassador in Berlin has defected
How do you describe a face?
python mode function
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